Genres: Fantasy, Drama, Romance
Country: Japan
Year: 2008
Sora Suzuki is a cheerful girl with magical abilities who lives with her mother in the small town of Biei, Hokkaido. With the intention to honour a promise made to her late father she successfully applies for a magic internship in Tokyo and temporarily moves into a boarding house in the city. Over the course of a summer month she meets other teenagers studying to become accredited mages, including an initially aloof boy who appears to lack magic abilities. Under the guidance of their mentors the apprentices learn more about magic, each other and life in general as they attend formal classes and work to fulfil contractual assignments for clients.
In the manga, Sora has a strange trait to her magic that manifests itself despite her ire; whenever Sora casts a spell, the end result always involves sunflowers, though otherwise almost always how Sora intended it. This is absent in the anime.
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